We took some time off from SpotiFriday Live, both to allow space for Black voices in particular to be elevated and to educate ourselves on how we as white people can be better allies in the fight against systemic racism in the US, which impacts anyone who is not white. There are a handful of links here of books we are reading, places we’re donating, and music we’re listening to.
And of course the conversation doesn’t stop there, because weeding out racism (especially in ourselves) is a lifelong journey.
As Phoebe Robinson said in a recent Instagram post directed in particular at non-POC allies who are new to the fight: “This is not a trend. ... We need folks digging deep and committing to changing their mindsets or else history will repeat itself. We need folks willing to do the work even if they may never see the fruits of their labor. We need folks to stay the course.” So we’re going to keep talking about it, and we would love to talk about it with you. We’ll keep reading and donating and listening and using what platform we have to raise up BIPOC voices.
Last week’s theme (courtesy of our friend Nicole) was songs of revolution. You can see the show here and here, and below is the companion Spotify playlist.
As announced during 3@H@H, we have the next three weeks of SpotiFriday themes planned. #professional #lol This week: Pride. Next week: modes of transportation. The week after: we are going to play the same set of songs as each other, each with our own spin on it. Feel free to hit us with your requests!
Finally, we are super grateful to everyone who showed up for our experiment playing a show socially distanced in Dann’s backyard. It was fun to play together again, and play some originals. We’ll be doing it again on July 5th at 1 pm EDT to celebrate the online release of our new single, “We Were There.” And hopefully you‘ll be there, too?