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EBASS is a new Base for us!

As you may have heard, George Woods followed the steps of the first EBASS organizer, Hailey Magee and moved to the West Coast. Lindsey Sampson moved to the Athens of the South, and we are the fourth organizers of this pirate fleet of a gathering. We are Mary Casiello and Dann Russo, both of the local band Three At Home. With the assistance of Kari Paisley-Flango (the drummer beyond all drummers. Sorry, everyone else), we’re going to be guiding this EBASS ship through waters rough and smooth, continuing a voyage of discovery of ourselves and our city (and the surrounding areas). One of our ideas going forward is to be a HUB (get it, Boston? HUB) of the Emerging Boston Area Singer Songwriters, as a place for people from all over the area – south shore, north shore, metro west, Brighton, Charlestown, and all the other places people forget are part of Boston - to meet in order to play, book, and record music, and educate each other so that the Boston Music Scene can be an exemplar for the rest of New England, nay, the country. We’ve partnered with The Record Company, an amazing recording and rehearsal space on the South Boston/Dorchester border, and The Dorchester Brewing Company (try the Neponset Gold, it’s Kari’s favorite) who are sponsoring two (so far) songwriter events which will include featured artists (please apply!) and featured speakers including touring experts, Berklee professors, and professional producers (and maybe even a booking agent or two). Both events will take place at The Dorchester Brewing Company (1250 Mass Ave, Dorchester), which also includes the fantastic M and M Barbeque (vegan options are available and delicious) on November 28th and January 16th. The events go from 6-9pm, with a suggested donation of $5 (give more if you can!), but feel free to show up early and hang out late (there is SKEEBALL – bring dollar bills). There will be more and more specific info in the next week or so. Make sure to pay attention here and tell all your friends. Also make sure to follow EBASS on Instagram @ebassorg! We’ll be posting some polls in our stories asking for your input on the kinds of events you would like to see. Peace, Dann & Mary (& Kari!)

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