A few thoughts as some if not everyone gets ready (at least in their heads and pantries) for some kind of quarantine:
1. gig economy. If you DO go out to eat and there's a place for a tip (line on a check, tip jar, etc) please be AS GENEROUS AS YOU CAN. Those can make up the majority of someone's pay and can really help as less and less people go out. which leads to
2. shows. we've had two (possibly three) cancelled in the next eight days, which is rough because, well, we WANT to play, and secondly because shows are one of the main income streams for musicians. When you can please check in on your local musician friends/family members. Buy a cd, even if you have one already or if you don't even have a cd player. Pay a little extra on the bandcamp download. Become a patreon member and throw a few bucks their way each month.
3. MUSIC. Now, yes, musicians play music. People need music. I've been told it's a health issue - mental and physical. So we're planning on really bringing back SpotiFriday (the blog posts where we post a Spotify playlist and tell you why we like the songs) with SpotiFriday Live, where Dann and Mary (that's us!) livestream from our houses (for now) and play our favorite covers, with Spotify links and our thoughts in a blog post to follow the show. The first SpotiFriday Live will take place tomorrow, Friday the 13th of March, at ten am, on FB live on the Three At Home FB Page. And if you want to leave a tip, there's "threeathomeband" on venmo. :-)
And our plan is to play EVERY FRIDAY while the coronavirus is wreaking its havoc.
Dann & Mary