it's July!
I realized that the last blog was April of last year. the one before was the April before that. that's WAY too long. And so many things have happened.
KARI!!! Kari Paisley-Flango has just celebrated their ONE YEAR AND ONE MONTH anniversary as a full band member.
REHEARSAL (Kari's idea) we rehearse EVERY Thursday. It's sacrosanct. And you can almost always find us at the Harp and Bard in Dorchester afterwards, where we have a regular waitress who brings over a basket of tater tots, a Guinness, a Neponset Gold, and a water (for now) before we even order.
we're playing a TON of show (check out the shows tab)
we have a LOT of new songs https://open.spotify.com/artist/4dg1JOnrwv1LST3GRvEbdD?si=Isc-fRjlSIGImXGAYj8EmQ check out Magnificat, Athena, & Shatter Me as well as the "older" songs there. and we even have NEWER songs that we're playing out live (check out the aforementioned SHOWS tab)
we love you.
we've played shows in rain, in cold, in heat, in sun, inside, outside, and you keep showing up. THANK YOU.
we'll see you soon.